Collect compensation for traffic accident

Today we are going to see how you can collect compensation for a traffic accident.

The first thing we must remember is that if you have suffered a traffic accident, our recommendation is that you call us (the first 72 hours are crucial). WE ADVISE YOU IN YOUR FIRST CONSULTATION FREE OF CHARGE AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION and, having analyzed your accident, it is very likely that we can secure your maximum compensation in a legal and fair process.

You should know that we work for success. That is to say, WE ONLY CHARGE IF YOU COLLECT YOUR COMPENSATION.

Contact us:

  • Calling 699 318 513.
  • Writing to us through WhatsApp in our web.
  • Or filling out the form what you will find in our web or at the end of this article.

Collect compensation for a traffic accident step by step

And if you want to know how to collect your compensation for a traffic accident, in Accident Lawyer We explain how to do it:

  1. Agree with the other vehicle to make a friendly part filling in data and guilty of the accident. If there are doubts about the fault of the accident, it is advisable to call the police to prepare a report.
  2. Go as soon as possible to hospital and proves, with medical documents, the injuries. It is called as part of injuriesa fundamental document to be able to collect your compensation.
  3. Hire a accident lawyer. It is important, because he will be in charge of initiate a claim for compensation against the insurance of the car that hit you. This insurer will be responsible for your damages.
  4. Don’t forget report the accident to your insurance so that they are aware of it and take care of everything. The deadline for communicating it should be within five days from the day of the incident.
  5. Survey the damage to the accident vehicle. The insurance will be in charge of notifying you when the expert is going to do it. If the damage is such that you have gone directly to the workshop, the expert will do it there. If the vehicle is still with the owner, they will call you to make an appointment.
READ MORE  Compensation for accidents on escalators

By following these steps, you can now stop worrying about everything, since your lawyer will take care of all the procedures and will notify you when it is necessary for you to come and testify if necessary.

In Accident Lawyer We have extensive experience in this type of accidents and we are experts in collecting compensation for traffic accidents. Therefore, we have a very high rate of collecting maximum compensation for our clients. We negotiate with insurers and something very important, WE ONLY CHARGE IF YOU COLLECT YOUR COMPENSATION.

Traffic accident as a companion or occupant

Have you suffered a traffic accident and you were a passenger? You should know that you have right to collect your compensation alwayswhether the fault lies with the other vehicle, or if the person responsible for the accident is the person driving the vehicle in which you were traveling.

Take a look at our article ‘Compensation as a companion in a traffic accident‘ in which we explain in a simple way how you can collect your compensation.

If you want to know more cases in which you can claim compensation for an accident, visit our blog.

Don’t hesitate, if you want to know how to collect your compensation for a traffic accident or have any questions about another type of accident, you can contact us:

  • By calling directly 699 318 513.
  • Or by writing in this form and we will contact you immediately.

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